Become a health hero with our grass finished beef!
At Murphy Generations Farm, We produce health packed grass fed grass finished beef.
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💪Boost your
- grass finished beef is high in omega 3 fatty acids - heart healthy. -
Imagine being proud of helping your family's health.
- our beef is tender and grades choice. -
Your family will love eating dinner.
Imagine feeling good about helping a local business rather than corporate power.
Grocery store beef tastes sour and has unknown additives in it.
Meals your family loves to eat.
Our beef is
tender – choice angus
Beef you can trust.
Our beef has no additives,
no added hormones
, and is processed at a local state inspected facility.
Beef that boosts health.
Grass finished beef is high in zinc, vitamin B12 (
mental health
), high protein (muscle), and antioxidants (
less inflammation
Are you sick of sour tasting beef?
Are you tired of worrying about what is in your food?
Are you done trusting greedy corporations with your health?
– a great meal for the family
Grass finished
– a beef you can feel good about for the earth
- High in protein – good for muscle growth
No additives
– no health risk
- Locally produced – feel good about keeping your money local
- High in zinc, vitamin B12 and antioxidants – give your health a boost
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Murphy Generations Farm
347 W. 600th Ave.
Girard, KS 66743